Wednesday, October 29, 2008

funny and serious

yesterday conversation with us at dinner:
Claire: why doesn't Uncle Johnny start a business out in California like you have here?
Michael: the rules are stricter in California than they are here...
Claire: Oh, so they can't show their ankles? *grin*
Me: laughing so hard i spit my food out a little bit...

that kid has a wicked sense of humor that is sometimes a bit scary ;-)


fake scenario - i need you to hire this man for a high level job at your super secure, super important company.  he only has 2 years of experience in the field.  and in his past he has had some drug issues.  and he also has been known to hang around with some VERY bad people.  Would you hire him to work for your company?

fact - this is our path of the current election.  seriously people, WAKE UP!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Hill too steep, so turn right

i feel like this image should be given to all Republican offices. If you vote for Obama, be prepared for the STEEP hill going DOWN (as in; he will drive our country down, are you ready for that ride?) So instead, follow the next sign and TURN RIGHT (as in become a republican right wing nut lol)!

I'm very independent. I honestly think both sides have major flaws. I will never be on either side. i happen to think that the Left is so far away from me at the moment that i need to turn to the right to get back on the RIGHT track.

Won't you please join me in making a turn for the RIGHT (or at least join me in NOT electing Obama!)

Michele Blue